
Anti-Hindu Theological Arguments by Muslims

Mohammedan Metaphysics Joke

Claim: "Hindus worship the creation and not the creator"
Example: In replies to https://old.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/147a67f/was_prophet_nuh_sent_to_india/ (BTW it makes the claim that Suwa = Shiva, and I saw it in Page 188 of Al-Tabari Vol. 8, in section: The Destruction of Idolatrous Shrines)

Fix: These Muslims have to be taught some metaphysics.


  • Dualism
    • God is Separate from the Universe (And is Jealous) [Abrahamic]
    • God is Separate from the Universe (And is not Jealous) [Dvaita Vedanta]
    • God is Separate from the Universe (And has left it) [Deism]
    • Multiple Gods Exist (And people respect all of them) [Polytheism]
    • Multiple Gods Exist (And people worship one of them) [Monolatry]
    • God has created Gods to Manage Realities [Sanskrit Vedas]
  • Monism
    • Everything is God (And God is Active) [Advaita Vedanta / Pan-Theism]
    • Everything is God (And God is Inactive) [Pan-Desim]
  • Between Monism and Dualism
    • Everything is a Part of God [Pan-En-Theism]
    • We Cannot Know the Difference Between God and Nature [Achintya Bheda Abhedha]
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